Here's a page created from a camping trip of couple of months ago. If somehow I could put words to this new adventure of camping... I believe I would still find myself speechless. It's not the camper, packed ready to run away at a moments notice. It's not the act of abandoning projects left unfinished. It's surely not the need to escape from a well described world of my own design... no less ...
To be able to run off ~ leave the world; email, work, cell phones and all the noise into the distance is where I think I was always meant to be ~ yet ~ I always run back to the hum of a busy world. I look back to ... calm, silent whispers... that place of nowhere that appears to hold my very essence of being hostage.
Does it take so many years to find a common ground for both needs?... still pondering this, still looking for that narrow gap of bliss.