My Sister....

Mellissa Omega Horton (MOH)
Me & Moh... New Orleans, LA.... about 125 years ago. OK... it was really some where around the mid-80s ~ best I can remember.
In one of my lost files is a date, a reason we are here, and a lot of memories. Fortunately I managed to hang onto a couple of pictures to remind me.
OK... actually it was Moh who reminded me to go find the pictures.
Mid 80s... that was some of the most turbulent times of my life. I should write a book, but it would embarrass my son... LOL.
Mid 80s... OMG...the reason I ran as fast as I could into the 90's with the love of my life, putting away things of children ...
but good Lord, there are some very outstanding memories.... of which; me & Moh in New Orleans.
yes, Moh ~ I do remember :)