I decided that I should start scrapping some old photos... preserve history so to speak.
I'm starting with this page.... perhaps because it was the most adventurous, most memorable vacation ~ found tucked away in one of my endless photo-albums.
The destination... let's see, somewhere off the beaten path - a location found while surfing the net.... Northern Arkansas rental. Sounded so absolutely charming. The drive North was long, but the final trip up to the 'cabin' was surreal. After we left 'town' (one of those that has only one piggly-wiggly type store that closes at 7:00 pm because the residents are all home by this time which for most happens to be 30-45 minutes from 'town') we decided that this quaint town was the quintessential idea of sleepy-hollow.
We left civilization as we drove up a serious mountain path (path is not a exaggeration) that took about 35 minutes to slowly accomplish. The scenery and view from various points was unbelievable.
But this picture was taken along the way from some look-out point during our journey North through Arkansas. What the picture doesn't tell is that at one point, I found Tim on the other side of that wall, wondering 'how far down do you suppose it is?'
Only a few moments in my life have found my heart stop beating as this one did. I managed to keep my voice very calm as I instructed my son to "GET YOURSELF BACK OVER THAT WALL" as I debated tossing dear husband over the same wall who was watching the antics of a dumb teen while I photo'd some leaf or butterfly or some other useless thing.
"Chill out Mom... he won't fall the 10,000 ft to the bottom of this canyon, look.. he's even holding on to that small branch sticking out of the side... you baby him too much".
Anyway.... echos from the past for these pictures... "What do you see, son"? funny kid turns to my camera to say "I see you, Mom, what do you see"? This was before the over the wall incident, which pretty much ended the look-out point adventure.... 'everyone in the car, we're leaving now' - I don't think I ever needed an alcoholic beverage (or several) more than that moment.
More about the final destination - 'house-of-seven-dwarfs' coming soon... stay tuned.
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