I just love ordinary weeks when nothing unpredicable creeps in to mess it up. Perhaps this is a sign of aging (gracefully) that it doesn't take a lot of colorful drama to make my life complete.... I'll take it any old day. I definitely prefer watching corn grow, rainbows that show up in the water sprinkler, finding chalk buckets on my back porch and thinking it's pretty cool that some 20+ year olds know how to have fun. An ice cold water (with a few slices of lime and fresh peach... odd, I know, but strangely refreshing and very low cal). The two whimsical critters that reside in the mint pot make me smile each time I look at them (lovingly named Rick & Vanessa... hahaha). A visit by a tree frog to my back porch...and the week is complete with ordinary things that are not very much at all.
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
8 months ago
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