DISCARD [dɪsˈkɑːd]
vb 1: to get rid of as useless or undesirable 2: abandon. There's nothing like finding a good deal - trash to treasure kind of thing, especially when a visit to the local library reaps an extraordinary find - FREE set of The International Encylopedia of Social Sciences. Doesn't matter that they were published in 1968 - all knowledge is good.
Rick rescues many unwanted things - sometimes cheap and other times, well, not so. I now have a beautiful desk that was originally a dresser; ugly, unwanted, greatly used up. In his usual methodical manner this rejected bedroom suite is slowly being restored.
When is a flower a weed - when it goes wildly about the yard in unwanted places - like the lawn.
I think of the many, many, endeavors I've taken up - only to be abandoned when I reach my self-described level of competency. This is especially true considering the time, money and complete satisfaction I found when I was aspiring to be an acrylic artist.
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