A new year is almost here... what strange creatures we are that make such a noise about the change in date. No less, it seems like a good time to make note of some 2010 events. Today it was 70 degrees... too weird even for Texas.
Tim found his footing and a place to reside other than at my house... but always our home.
Gelica found Texas and decided to stay... became an official resident.
I tried to count every blessing, missing some I'm sure. For this I pray the Lord remains patient with this very willful, often disobedient child.
As is typical I found myself bored with digital scrapbooking... on a back burner, but I'm sure the urge will return.
End of this particular year found me reviewing how I've looked at what appears to be security. Often running my everyday vehicle to almost empty of fuel, relying on the weekly shopping to supply the next week's needs. Indeed, how did a relatively smart gal get to 50 yrs of living only to wake to the fact that nothing is very secure, much less our everydayness of living.
With this and a very appreciative husband that has been waiting on me to catch up... we embark on a very new path of self-reliance. It became startling clear how very unprepared for anything more than one week away we really are. But we are very fortunate that we are 'country type' folks. Many talents have been honed that will be very useful. Many hobbies coupled with pack-rat mentality means we have many tools, general merchandise on the homestead... if you can call 1 acre such a thing. Perhaps I will make notes here, but mostly I am much more tuned to what I can pick up and read without anything more than daylight or candles. I look forward to learning neglected skills... first up - putting my brand spankin' new All American canner to good use with the garden bounty that shamefully go to waste each year.
Happy New Year - 2011. I think we are up to the challenge. ~..~ vlm
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
8 months ago
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