Heidi... isn't that just the cutest German name for a perky little dog. I'm not a true 'dog' person, but I've been around a few. I've learned that doxie people seem to migrate together (learned that from 9 years of having sweet Abby - okay, she wasn't anywhere near sweet, but we loved her anyway) ~ so if you have one, then you know several (if not a lot) of people that have them. Why?... that's easy ~ these little dogs pack a great amount of personality-plus in a tiny little package. At just 7 weeks old... this one looks to be a sweetie-pie with a temper, and the usual amount of attitude & tenacity that dachshunds are known for. She watch Suki and I play fresbie for about a week. I got her some tiny tennis balls and she surprised me in fetching the ball from the first toss until I got tired 1st... how smart is that???
Now if we can get 'go potty outside' down so well... we will be in business and a happy home of dogs. Have I said I miss my kid and probably in some kind of denial of empty nest syndrome / I'M 50 years old today... ughh.... :(
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