Suki Na. Rough translation from Japanese - Favorite Pet. Tim named this pup five years ago. The name - well, it was at a this time that Tim had (still has) a dream to live in Japan. The reasons range from appreciating the technology, intelligence, disciplined ways to studying further martial arts. He began learning Japanese through books and a school friend who had lived in Japan for several years. He use to delight in suddenly lapsing into Japanese when he didn't want to comply with my demands to do some undone chore. He would walk away muttering and shaking his head as if he couldn't understand English.
Suki and her girlfriends, Sady the lab and Dixie the mixed mutt, spend hours together. We will be (finally) fencing the back yard soon and I'll probably have to allow the 'girls' in for doggy visits because they are best friends.
Suki is my steady & faithful companion, and a very good dog.
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