Pronunciation: \ˈjər-nəl\
Function: noun
1a: an account of day-to-day events
1b : a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use
I decided to use this space, in addition to my scrapbook pages, to log my daily musings, general observances and just plan useless information.
It’s a good thing to take stock of life lessons and blessings; make sure you aren’t keeping unnecessary crap stuffed into boxes to mold. I guess some folks do this at the 1st of January – New Year resolutions and such, but starting a few years ago my life seems cycles back around on itself about this time of year. So this is my spiritual spring cleaning – good for soul.
This past year it has had ups and downs but as a whole been a very excellent one. The prior one was littered with so many challenges I was worn to a nub and in serious need of a renewal of heart and mind. The vacation last May was where I found my footing and with the grace of God this year has been so much smoother.
I’ve developed an even stronger relationship with Tim. It is so amazing to spend time with him as a young adult instead the child I was parenting. I’ve always like his ways, but I definitely love him more every day. His quick humor and love of being satirical keeps me thinking of ways to outwit him. He is honorable and loyal. Two traits I admire most and humbled that my son possesses them.
My house grew by one – Angelica is staying with us until she finishes her BA at our local university. She is not only my niece, but one of my favorite people; she brings so much life and happiness to our house. She treats Tim like a big sister and he torments her right back. I’ll wager they will be good friends for all their lives.
I never forget that my greatest blessing is my loving husband who stands behind me, with me through thick and thin; never hesitates to pulls me out of quagmires that I wander off into. I only have to look to him to see the wonderful strengths he’s taught our son. We are a rare couple who actually looks forward to any and all time we can spend together ~ a matched pair ~ no matter if we are sitting quietly together in the evenings, working around the house or finding a new adventure.
Yes, my spring ‘year-in-review’ has reminds me that you never stop learning and growing from experiences. Instead of depending on my own feeble understanding ~ I’ve relearned to give it to God. My walk is not as strong as I want but each day I strive harder that it’s closer with Christ. If I can be a reflection of His grace for the many things I am thankful for then I feel accomplished.
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
8 months ago
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