



FaceBook... thinking out loud

New Look for A Slice of East Texas.

I love FB; love how easy it is to keep up friends and family. Personal favorite is the odd exchanges with my son ~ quirky one that he is. I greatly enjoy the quick little notes, small talk about the current events happening in our lives and the odd little quizzes that appear from folks. You can post a few pictures and check back to see what responses they stir up. Find folks from years gone by and catch up on the news. Yep, FB is a nifty way to say howdy, what cha doin’?

But as most know – I’m a very yaky type gal that often has more to say than most would care to read; hence – take it over to the blog. That’s what a blog was made for – am I right – to blog.

It’s really a journal type of thing so if you care to read the ramblings of a golden aged citizen you just might find I’m pretty eccentric on most days. It’s just one of the many things I love about being over 50… you can generally get away with peculiar ways. Feel free to comment as long as you are nice about it.