



Been Away

Where have I been this past year!  Same place, same job.  Young adults moving in, moving out, moving about.  Got the son graduated from the junior college and happy he landed a great job; well, great is a subjective  word - I'll leave at decent pay, steady work and a good education in something practical.  The other house-mate, aka the niece, became engaged, I hosted her bridal shower just before Thanksgiving, graduated with her BA, married the next day, Christmas the next week and that brings me up to date just in time for a new year to begin.  Sounds simple enough unless you are living life in the fast lane.

  So - here I am again, house back to being very quite with the exception of the singing dog.  Current goals:  Get some scrap pages of the last year's vacations / events posted and have the niece's scrapbook done, printed and off to her in the next few weeks. Sounds do'able.