




Fall finally made it to East Texas. Definitely my time of the year; the winds turn cool ~ gently tuning the wind chimes that speaks words to my heart, leaves turn to hues of color that only God could imagine and I sigh with great relief. Some feel that New Years Day is the start of all things anew.... that first true Fall day is the same for me.
This has been a very extraordinary year of changes for me. Like the trees I rejoice, in living color, for all my blessings and I'll wait calmly for a new dress of green that will sure to come in the new year. Mostly I rejoice that the tapestry God weaves for my life, looking like a mess from my point of view, is a work of art that only angels see the beauty ~ and every once in a while ~ reveal to me with quite whispers to my soul.

Thanksgiving Day

Such a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, dinner was excellent and I had some very rare, quite moments with Tim (and his deep thoughts about life & future in general). He is quite an awesome young man; even if I say so ~ very often ~ myself.

I frequently look back on the collection (well... 100s) of photos I've taken of Tim over the last 18 years; this one is at the top 10 favorites. The look is one of 'exasperation' at my constant camera in his face, but the conversation lingers.

His struggles are with making 'mature, responsible decisions' (translation - good Mom advise) and doing the things that are whimsical and youthful folly.

To him ~ the end result is yet to be seen.
To me ~ the end result is an unspeakable feeling of 'job well done, Mom'.

The Game of Life

It was a warm fall evening. Tim & Jesse are watching after the baby sis, Justice. It didn't take long before this pre-teen gal was bored. Tim came to the rescue with a board game. .. but he quickly became a poor loser - claiming the girls always cheat.... How do you cheat at LIFE????? I sided with them ~ voting that he is a poor sport... he retorted that girls always gang up on him and cheat... hahahahha... fun with the kids.

For me... such a deep breath of LIFE as these kids fussed and griped and accused each other of cheating and happy as everyone had a wonderful few hours... me, especially.


I have seen 50 thanksgiving come & go.... that's a lot :( :)
I am thankful that I have a wonderful family and everyone is healthy and each have wealth they don't even recognize, but alas, that is the way we have come to be.
No doubt; like most, I could write a book on my blessings, but neglect to do so with simple words.

here is a list of things I want in my life:

Things We Could Learn from Dogs.... and be happier for it.

1) When loved ones come home, always run to greet them

2) Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride...
then allow the experience of fresh air & wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

3) Take naps

4) Stretch before rising

5) Run, romp, and play daily

6) Thrive on attention and let people touch you

7) Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

8) On warm days, stop to lie on your back and roll in the grass

9) On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree

10) When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body

11) Delight in the simple joy of a long walk

12) Be loyal

13) Never pretend to be something you're not

14) If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it

15) When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by & nuzzle them gently.

Oh, if only I could be a pampered, and lovingly spoiled dog :) vlm

Tim & Jesse had a whole herd of friends over for a scary evening of food, games and fun at Jesse's house. Tim opted for appearing as a Ninja, and oppps...I forget what character Jesse chose. I got a lot of hand-me-down pics of the fun... this was my favorite. Crazy kids...having good ole fun.... yeah for them.

Heidi... isn't that just the cutest German name for a perky little dog. I'm not a true 'dog' person, but I've been around a few. I've learned that doxie people seem to migrate together (learned that from 9 years of having sweet Abby - okay, she wasn't anywhere near sweet, but we loved her anyway) ~ so if you have one, then you know several (if not a lot) of people that have them. Why?... that's easy ~ these little dogs pack a great amount of personality-plus in a tiny little package. At just 7 weeks old... this one looks to be a sweetie-pie with a temper, and the usual amount of attitude & tenacity that dachshunds are known for. She watch Suki and I play fresbie for about a week. I got her some tiny tennis balls and she surprised me in fetching the ball from the first toss until I got tired 1st... how smart is that???
Now if we can get 'go potty outside' down so well... we will be in business and a happy home of dogs. Have I said I miss my kid and probably in some kind of denial of empty nest syndrome / I'M 50 years old today... ughh.... :(

Suki & Friends

Suki Na. Rough translation from Japanese - Favorite Pet. Tim named this pup five years ago. The name - well, it was at a this time that Tim had (still has) a dream to live in Japan. The reasons range from appreciating the technology, intelligence, disciplined ways to studying further martial arts. He began learning Japanese through books and a school friend who had lived in Japan for several years. He use to delight in suddenly lapsing into Japanese when he didn't want to comply with my demands to do some undone chore. He would walk away muttering and shaking his head as if he couldn't understand English.
Suki and her girlfriends, Sady the lab and Dixie the mixed mutt, spend hours together. We will be (finally) fencing the back yard soon and I'll probably have to allow the 'girls' in for doggy visits because they are best friends.
Suki is my steady & faithful companion, and a very good dog.


This is the face that I see a great amount of time. Tim has developed a very accepted way of avoiding an answer or opinion by saying "hummm" as if he needs to think long and hard about his answer. He knows how impatient I am ~ if he waits me out I'll simply give up and go away.
It's funny how people can evolve into loving relationships that become very accepting of odd idiosyncrasies. I wonder what he would say in retort to this about me.

So... all that know Tim know that he uses this expression so much that you soon realize that really don't know Tim at all.

Layers of Tim

Tim is very good at masking himself behind a facade of what he thinks you want to see. This has often bothered me because as I wonder if I had a part in this or if he just has a hard time letting people in. Considering he spent years overcoming his stuttering; coupled with being teased for being very small due to a growth hormone imbalance, braces (a beautiful smile he is now grateful for now). Mix in an inherited introverted personality (so much like his MaMa Patsy) - well, digging into the real Tim is not for the faint of heart, but alway worth the effort.

I Love Ricky - Every minute of every day

The day was hot. I was even more miserable as we worked in the yard. Added to my misery ~ Tim had recently caught me completely off guard by suddenly moving out and telling us he plans to move to Virginia next summer with Jessie. The weeks that had just past were some of the worst in my life as what I thought I knew instantly came to an 'in-my-face' reality check.
The love of my life knew my very depressed mood was lasting way too long. This day ~ I was mowing; he was weed-eating in the back. I rode the mower around to find him. I sat screaming to get his attention and when he turned around he had his usual serious face as if nothing was different - with these 3 black-eyed susans tucked behind his ear. It was probably the first time in weeks I had smile, actually a long 'belly' laughed; not just the silliness of the flowers, but as I realized that he knew just what was needed to bring me out of the quagmire I was wallowing in. I grabbed my camera to capture this moment, least I forget that he is and always will be 'My Reason'.

Tim - new page for the scrapbook

Places for Tim

Need I add more than I journalized? Timothy A. has been my reason since he proclaimed at the age of 6 that he wondered at my everyday expression "Never forget ~ you are my reason" and his young mind had pondered that each day I was stating that he was my 'raisin'... when in fact the word was 'reason'....Humm...wonder what a child thinks about being a dried fruit??? hahah,,, I'll give that one to East Texas diction.

You, my dear son, will always be my reason; as well as, my 'raisin'.

If I could love you more it would be the end of me. I look toward the future that is my legacy of 'I was'.
vlm ~..~

Huricane IKE

Hoping Ike moves thru ET without a lot of damage.